ReFrame Film Festival Promotional Video

ReFrame Film Festival - Educational


When working on this project I pushed myself to use type as the main element of an animation. This project helped improve my comfort animating typography in After Effects, as well as my ability to make cohesive type lock-ups and animate previously designed logos.

When choosing a focus for this project I knew I wanted to use ReFrame Film Festival. ReFrame is a small festival based in Nogojiwanong, Peterborough Ontario. I was able to visit the city and go to their screenings in early 2020 and was blown away by the diverse topics and artists that were supported. It’s an awesome festival and I can’t recommend it enough!



When storyboarding I mainly focused on blocking out the shapes of text and images from frame to frame. I knew I wanted softer music to fit with the theme of the festival (documentaries) as well as constant movement to match a river or stream (to match the proximity of the festival to water). It was also important for me to mark down where light leak transitions would be used as it made it easier to transition from scene to scene.

Style Frames

I knew I wanted to incorporate water as a recurring visual element due to the close connection Peterborough has to its water system. Film blurs and light leaks were used to call back to the festival's purpose. I kept a base colour pallet of blues and oranges for colour and tonal contrast. I gave text and graphic elements a rougher edge to remove some of the harshness and give a more organic feel.

After finalizing my style frames in Illustrator I moved all my assets into After Effects for animation!


Stop Motion


Lindorm Dice